Education Documentary by Jailyn Gonzales
Family Lines
The Documentary "Family Lines" is based on how the elderly who live in retirement homes experience communication with younger generations in their families. This documentary dives into different family stories, experiences, and difficulties these seniors have had to deal with when trying to communicate with their younger family members as time has moved forward. It talks about the impact of technology and how ways of living have affected communication in the daily lives of seniors living in these facilities. This documentary involves residents from the Great Lakes Christian Homes retirement home
Retirement Home Sign
The purpose I want this documentary to have is to be something younger families and family members look at when doing research on the impact staying in a nursing home does to the resident. It will help them foster an understanding and empathy of what it is like being isolated away from family and how communication and visiting takes a big role in how their family member thrives when being away from their family.
The Process
Used AI to create questions for my interviews. Then I made sure the questions were appropriate for the certain group of people that I was going to be interviewing. I did research on the specific language that is appropriate and made sure there was no offending wording of the questions.
FIlmed Interviews on two different days at the retirement home and was able to interview 5 different residents at the home.
Went through all of the interviews and picked all of the lines I had from the transcript, cut the interviews to make sure they were smooth, edited sound, added in the b-roll, and then color graded the film.
Strategy 1: Compiled a focus group of the audience that I was going to interview and asked for feedback on the questions I was going to use during the interview process.
Strategy 2: Created a survey with questions about my setup for the interviews and sent it out to classmates and other students around campus.
Strategy 3: Met with my communication Senior Seminar professor to do A&B Testing with my two transcripts that I created.
Senior Biography
Jailyn is currently a senior at Alma College with a major in Communications and a Minor in New Media Studies. She is originally from Lansing, Michigan, and graduated from Waverly Senior High School in 2021. This upcoming summer she will be participating in an internship at the Board of Water and Light in Lansing, Michigan focused on Customer Operations.
After graduating in December of 2024 from Alma she plans to obtain a job in Human Resources.